Drohnensichtungen in New Jersey geben Rätsel auf. It would be an unmanned flight – one air force on a military base, other on Donald Trump’s Golfplatz. After more than 3000 reports, the FBI reports the situation as “extremely serious”.

Look at a dryer that the Bewohnern und Behörden van de US-Bundesstaat New Jersey Rätsel auf. We go to sleep and spend the night in neighboring regions. The unmanned Fluggeräte beobachtet – eenige davon sogar im Luftraum über Militärbasen. “Sobald man sie zu Gesicht becommt, sie dunkel,” said New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, dem Sender NBC News. “We take the situation extremely seriously.”

Videos of mysterious lights on the sky are making waves in the media and causing heated speculation. The netzreichen theory of espionage is an über-secret military weapon that supports its military missions.

The Drohnen become larger as the model, the üblicherweise of hobbyists are consumed, erklärten Behördenvertreter and Augenzeugen laut Medienberichts. The Flugobjekte is located on the Golfplatz of the designed American President Donald Trump in Bedminster.

Pentagon weighs

The representative of the American ministerial ministries, Sabrina Singh, working in Washington, has not become an American military army – the Pentagon has used its time to “keine beweise dafür, these activities of an Australian Organization or of a single Gegner” usgehen“. The American forces would carry out an attack in the Sache and the American military forces would be saddened “at no time”.

Auch die Bundespolizei FBI hat itself is one thing – bisher ohne offizielle Ergebnisse. “I think there is still no answer, we are responsible, and one of the more people is giving tips about the dry spots,” says FBI advisor Robert Wheeler about a number of Abgeordneten in New Jersey, who are investigating a theme in American -Congress. Wheeler is said to have reported more than 3,000 reports to the FBI.

Forderung nach befristetem Notstand

Jon Bramnick, Republikaner in the Senate of the Federal State, has drawn attention to the good trade organizations of Handel. “New Jersey has a problem with solving problems and all the drought, it is an admission of guilt for these zahlreichen-sichtungen,” says Bramnick.

Zahlreiche Bürgermeister in the affected region longs for Antworten von der Regierung von New Jersey. Governor Murphy looks at the X platform and can figure out the best way to invest in openness. You can appeal to the Federal and Security Guards. This case concerns the American Minister of Home Defense Alejandro Mayorkas spoken, it is clear Murphy. (APA/dpa)

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